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A Place and it's Meaning
A Place and it's Meaning
Sir Clough’s personal account of how and why he built the village remains the best available introduction to Portmeirion. It includes interesting anecdotes and lively descriptions of the evolution of the village. 96 pages printed on fine quality paper with a line drawing frontispiece, 32 colour / black and white photographic illustrations, decorative endpapers, black & white headpieces,...
CD Clough
CD Clough
A CD recording of interviews given by Clough Williams-Ellis, the architect most well-known for creating the Italianate village of Portmeirion in North Wales. Running time: 67 minutes Recorded: April 1948 Release date: 19th June, 2008 On 19th June 2008 at 11.00am in the Hercules Hall, Portmeirion a CD of six talks given by Clough Williams-Ellis was released, 60 years since they were...

Cerdded Mewn Cell
Cerdded Mewn Cell
Casgliad o straeon byrion gogleisiol a ffraeth gan un o awduron mwyaf adnabyddus Cymru. Dyma gyfrol gyntaf Robin Llywelyn yn Gymraeg ers cyhoeddi’r casgliad o straeon, Y D?r Mawr Llwyd yn 1995. Casgliad o dair ar ddeg o straeon byrion amrywiol ac amlhaenog gan Robin Llywelyn yw Cerdded Mewn Cell a hon yw’r gyfrol gyntaf iddo ei chyhoeddi ers cipio Gwobr Goffa Daniel Owen yn 2004 am ei...
DVD Portmeirion Audio Visual
DVD Portmeirion Audio Visual
This DVD contains the presentation which is shown in Portmeirion's Audio Visual Theatre, in which the architect Sir Clough Williams-Ellis narrates the story of the creation of Portmeirion Village. The Hotel Portmeirion was opened by Clough Williams-Ellis at Easter 1926. Clough spent the next fifty years creating the surrounding village of Portmeirion to demonstrate how sympathetic development could...

Portmeirion - Antiques Collecters
Portmeirion - Antiques Collecters
Foreword by Jools Holland The book "Portmeirion" was published to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the opening of the resort in 1926. Lavishly illustrated with many unpublished and rare photographs, plans and drawings, it is the first book to cover the whole story of the village, the extensive gardens both at Portmeirion and Plas Brondanw, the Williams-Ellis family home, Portmeirion Pottery as well...

Portmeirion On Film and Television
Portmeirion On Film and Television
The famous North Wales resort of Portmeirion has appeared in cinema films, television dramas, music 'promo videos', advertising commercials, documentaries, travel shows and many other types of screen presentations. From short news reports to live events coverage, from full length movies to archive newsreel and from breakfast or morning programmes to foreign TV broadcasts, the 'fantasy village' has...
Portmeirion Pottery By Steven Jenkins & Stephen P Mckay
Portmeirion Pottery By Steven Jenkins & Stephen P Mckay
Portmeirion Pottery By Steven Jenkins & Stephen P Mckay In 1925 the architect Sir Clough Williams-Ellis began his creation of the romantic Italianate portmeirion village in North Wales. His daughter, Susan Williams-Ellis, inherited her love of design from her family and began her career in pottery in the fifties, designing for Portmeirion's village shop. This lad on to a deeper involvemnet...

Seren Wen A'r Gefndir Gwyn
Seren Wen A'r Gefndir Gwyn
The novel which won the Prose Medal at the 1992 National Eisteddfod and which was acclaimed as a masterpiece by all three adjudicators. First published in 1992. Nofel sy'n defnyddio delweddau o fytholeg Geltaidd gyda chefndir Pan-Ewropeaidd iddi, a ddisgrifiwyd fel gwaith 'awdur digamsyniol ei ddawn a rhyfeddol ei gamp', gan un o'r beirniaid. Enillydd y Fedal Ryddiaith yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol 1992....
Un Diwrnod Yn Yr Eisteddfod
Un Diwrnod Yn Yr Eisteddfod
Cyfrol arobryn Gwobr Goffa Daniel Owen yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Casnewydd a'r Cylch 2004, sef nofel fywiog am anturiaethau milwr 30 oed yn ystod un diwrnod a dreuliwyd ar faes Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Meifod 2003, yn cynnwys nifer o sylwadau ffraeth a deifiol am bynciau trafod cyfoes Cymru. The prize-winning volume of the Daniel Owen Memorial Prize at the Newport Welsh National Eisteddfod 2004,...