

Mil o flynyddoedd yn ôl, datblygodd gofaint cleddyf Japaneaidd y grefft uchel o wneud cleddyfau i ddarparu llafnau cryf, miniog ar gyfer y Samurai, y cast rhyfelwr ofnus. Mae cyllyll BYD-EANG wedi'u crefftio â llaw yn Japan gan ddefnyddio'r un traddodiad ers dros 30 mlynedd ac yn cael eu datblygu gan ddefnyddio'r deunyddiau crai gorau sydd ar gael. Fel y cleddyfau Samurai o'u blaenau, mae pob cyllell wedi'i phwysoli'n ofalus i sicrhau cydbwysedd perffaith yn y llaw.

Siop GLOBAL yn Portmeirion Ar-lein.

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Global Boning Knife 16cm
Global Boning Knife 16cm
"The GF Series is a classic collection of larger, drop forged knives with weighted hollow handles In true Samurai tradition, Global knives are weighted to ensure they are perfectly balanced and are also magnetic allowing for a range of storage options." More durable for heavy use and favoured by professional chefs The safe, smooth contours and seamless construction eliminates food traps, making...
Global Butchers Knife 18cm
Global Butchers Knife 18cm
"The G Series is a classic collection of large longer bladed knives with weighted hollow handles, used for general food preparation by the more adventurous chef In true Samurai tradition, Global knives are weighted to ensure they are perfectly balanced and are also magnetic allowing for a range of storage options." The safe, smooth contours and seamless construction eliminates food traps, making...

Global Chef's Knife 21cm
Global Chef's Knife 21cm
"The GF Series is a classic collection of larger, drop forged knives with weighted hollow handles In true Samurai tradition, Global knives are weighted to ensure they are perfectly balanced and are also magnetic allowing for a range of storage options." More durable for heavy use and favoured by professional chefs The safe, smooth contours and seamless construction eliminates food traps, making...
Global Ham Slicer 30cm
Global Ham Slicer 30cm
"The G Series is a classic collection of large longer bladed knives with weighted hollow handles, used for general food preparation by the more adventurous chef In true Samurai tradition, Global knives are weighted to ensure they are perfectly balanced and are also magnetic allowing for a range of storage options." The safe, smooth contours and seamless construction eliminates food traps, making...

Global Ham/Salmon Slicing Knife
Global Ham/Salmon Slicing Knife
"The G Series is a classic collection of large longer bladed knives with weighted hollow handles, used for general food preparation by the more adventurous chef In true Samurai tradition, Global knives are weighted to ensure they are perfectly balanced and are also magnetic allowing for a range of storage options." The safe, smooth contours and seamless construction eliminates food traps, making...

Global Wide Boning Knife 15cm
Global Wide Boning Knife 15cm
"The GF Series is a classic collection of larger, drop forged knives with weighted hollow handles In true Samurai tradition, Global knives are weighted to ensure they are perfectly balanced and are also magnetic allowing for a range of storage options." More durable for heavy use and favoured by professional chefs The safe, smooth contours and seamless construction eliminates food traps, making...

Global Categories