Russell Hobbs Desire Matte Black 3 in 1 Hand Blender

Product Description

Russell Hobbs Desire Matte Black 3 in 1 Hand Blender


The Desire Matte Black 3 in 1 Hand Blender is the perfect solution for those of you out there that love cooking but currently have to swap between endless appliances. Saving you both storage space and time on switching between appliances you can now be blending, chopping, whisking or mixing, all with one versatile appliance. Combining a sophisticated and premium matte black, the Desire 3 in 1 Hand Blender is as spectacular in performance as it is in appearance. You can be making dips for your dinner party one minute and finely chopping up ingredients to sneak into your little ones lasagne the next. With a stunning appearance and an extraordinary performance, this hand mixer is an appliance you’ll truly desire.


We know the last thing you feel like doing after enjoying a delicious feast of food is the washing up. That’s why with the Desire Matte Black 3 in 1 Hand Blender you don’t have to. With detachable parts that are all dishwasher safe you can easily pop them into your dishwasher before lounging around on the sofa in complete relaxation.


The Desire Matte Black 3 in 1 Hand Blender is designed to keep your kitchen counter clutter free. Not only does this hand blender combine 3 appliances into 1 flawless design that can tackle any task but all of its parts are also detachable. Perfect for neatly storing it away in a cupboard or drawer all of its detachable parts take up minimal space so you can always have a clean kitchen counter for your culinary genius work.